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- | Contents of the directory util/wb : Workbench utilities
- |------------------------------------------------
- ActnPrefsEdit.lha util/wb 58K 7+Prefs Prg for ScreenTab DirWalker (V1.2)
- ArcInstall.lha util/wb 15K 9+Extract and install archives using drag
- CA36.lha util/wb 254K 6+ClassAction 3.6 (MUI && GT)
- CA_Deutsch.lha util/wb 60K 4+German files for ClassAction 3. and 2.8
- CA_Magyar.lha util/wb 5K 5+Hungarian catalog for ClassAction 3.5
- CLIConPL.lha util/wb 16K 3+Polish translation of CLICon_Deutsch.gui
- CLICon_PL_guid.lha util/wb 15K 3+Polish translation of CLICon_Deutsch.gui
- confix11.lha util/wb 15K 6+Easy backup of your config data, IMPROVE
- DirScanner113.lha util/wb 40K 7+A nice and comfortable FREEWARE-Filefind
- DzA_HtM.lha util/wb 3K 8+Make Html using Arexx GUI
- DzA_HtM2.lha util/wb 8K 6+Make Html using Arexx GUI
- DzA_ReNamE.lha util/wb 3K 8+ReNamE Files using Arexx GUI
- ExecutiveGr.lha util/wb 13K 7+Greek catalogs for Executive 2.10
- Explorer.lha util/wb 708K 6+Explorer. Displays File_ID`s, Converts A
- Formation_13a.lha util/wb 100K 3+File Search and Grouping Utility.
- GlobalTrash.lha util/wb 199K 4+The trashcan-system for the amiga
- head2.lha util/wb 25K 5+A 3D head following the mousepointer
- HFRemove18.lha util/wb 22K 8+Removes HFDevices from system !
- HotBarII.lha util/wb 48K 2+V3.6: Program launch tool
- M2I5_76.lha util/wb 324K 7+Run Programs with Menus & Icons v5.76
- M2IUPD75.lha util/wb 118K 8+M2I Update 5.73 -> 5.75 beta
- M2IUpd76.lha util/wb 188K 7+M2I Update 5.73&5.75b -> 5.76
- MagicMenu_HUN.lha util/wb 1K 5+Hungarian locale for MagicMenu2.15
- Mdoodle.lha util/wb 16K 2+MDoodle 1.0 allows you doodle on your WB
- MyMenu.lha util/wb 40K 10+Add custom menus to WB - Engl. + German
- OverRes.lha util/wb 4K 6+Get 724x566 on a standard Amiga with CM8
- OverResNTSC.lha util/wb 4K 5+NTSC version of the 724x566 OverRes util
- Runner11.lha util/wb 170K 9+Not just another Start Program!
- SayMore.lha util/wb 40K 2+Say replacement with more options v0.47
- scalos.lha util/wb 335K 4+The Workbench Replacement by ALiENDESiGN
- SearcherLT.lha util/wb 123K 5+The Ultimate File Finder by Life Team
- Sgrab.lha util/wb 15K 2+Screen grabber for os3 (1.2)
- sgrab_no.lha util/wb 1K 3+Norwegian catalog to SGrab 1.1
- SuperClockv1.lha util/wb 15K 8+Really cool new clock for WB 3.0
- TitleTilt.lha util/wb 3K 9+Hiding WB title until the pointer is not
- TopazPatch.lha util/wb 10K 10+Use own font in place of topaz V1.1
- TTManager32.lha util/wb 61K 9+Powerful, easy to use ToolType editor.
- tuse.lha util/wb 42K 9+The Ultimate Search Engine V1.3
- ViewerPrefs.lha util/wb 105K 8+Viewers Preferences v1.3a (MUI)
- wbpal10.lha util/wb 8K 9+Makes your wb-windows flashing
- wbstars2.lha util/wb 66K 7+Animated workbench-background (warp/snow